About Us

We are a team of highly professional lawyers exclusively dedicated to criminal law matters, trained to intervene in national or international in scope, since we enjoy a stable relationship with premier firms in America and Europe, as well as all along the Argentina, our country of residence.

We have extensive experience in representing interests of business, corporations and banks. Thanks to her, we have learned that our customers needs are not limited to the simple presentation of recourses to the different levels of government, a task handled with skill and knowledge.

We plan national strategies and international mediation, we intervene in domestic or international arbitration of disputes of all kinds, we hold positions that require handling of constitutional law and we take care of extradition cases from an international perspective.

BONINO MENDEZ lawyers has excelled in the new area of computer law. We handle all aspects of this field. We have experience and knowledge in computer security, electronic security and control, complex crimes and high-tech crimes. We have excelled in defending intellectual property, whether in litigation, negotiations with individuals or the state. We are also able to participate in efforts around public policies affecting these interests.

The reliability and quality of our services is our main goal.


In our beginning, by the activity primarily in litigation developed by the study, your customers were individuals.

As we were shaping into a more international task while technology issues emerged, the study has included among its customers to the most representative companies in that area. Also we offer external advises to several renowned national and foreigners law firms.

We have never changed our commitment for customer service.

The studio has an extensive experience in different areas of practice.

  • International criminal law
  • Economic criminal law
  • Tax criminal law
  • Constitutional law
  • Customs law
  • National and international procedures
  • Recourses
  • Extraditions
  • Multiple Issues jurisdiction
  • Mediations
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Bank fraud
  • Intellectual property
  • Crimes and high-tech complex
  • Computer Security
  • Litigation
  • Fair Business
  • Antitrust


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Eduardo Bonino Mendez


  • Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1975
  • Instituto de Estudios Europeos, 1980
  • Università di Roma, 1981

Practice Areas

  • International criminal law
  • Economic criminal law
  • Tax criminal law
  • Constitutional law
  • Customs law
  • Recourses
  • Extraditions
  • Multiple Issues jurisdiction
  • Mediations
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Bank fraud
  • Economic crimes
  • Crimes and high-tech complex
  • Computer security
  • Litigation
  • Fair business
  • Antitrust
  • National and international procedures


  • Italian
  • English (moderate)
  • French (moderate)

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Eduardo Miguel BONINO MENDEZ, after graduating from University as a lawyer at the age of 20 years , joined the Argentine Court, which entered for competition , until he retired in 1987 to form his own firm dedicated to the exclusive Criminal law practise.

Currently provides advice to organizations and individuals with interests in different countries, attentive procedures and experience in local and international regulations.

His training in this field was forged in graduate courses conducted in the specialty of Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Rome (Italy) in the years 1979 to 1981, and in Law and Economics at the Institute of European Studies based in Rome (Italy) in 1980 (both studied under a scholarship granted by the Argentine Court). Then it was sedimented through his extensive teaching at the Universities of Buenos Aires and Lomas de Zamora (Argentina) , to complete with their constant interventions in court practice in different countries. This has helped to shape a strong background in conflict resolution in Argentina and other countries, mainly in America and Europe.

On this basis , his practice focused on issues which involve different kinds of laws and multiple jurisdictions. Has a strong reputation in health and resolution of issues related criminal bank fraud , insolvency , bankruptcy and customs law. In particular , relating to the variety of cases referred , has successfully participated and marked the most important criteria in extradition cases, both passive and active , have been resolved by the Argentine courts in recent years.

His education was supplemented with specialties in legal informatics - in the Court of Criminal Appeal of Italy (1979) - and the Study Center Directorate of Computerized Case (1986/1995) , and is currently an international benchmark for the development criminal policy strategies , government relations and security forces of various countries. He has been an advisor to the Software Chamber of Business and IT Services of Argentina and in this role has acted on legal advice for complex crimes through websites or by electronic means, the most important intervening in security cases computer.

Eduardo García Barraza

Practice Areas

  • Constitutional law
  • Extraditions
  • Recourses


  • Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1978
  • Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1980

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Eduardo GARCIA BARRAZA , after graduating as a lawyer , was formed in criminal sciences , specializing in litigation, extradition and extra funding .

His knowledge of both the criminal law and criminal procedure and constitutional, coupled with extensive experience in the litigation battle , whether written oral and public hearings, has made ​​him a consulting attorney for other firms and lawyers. Your participation in litigation at various levels of the state, are studied and, on more than one occasion, have established case law on the subject to be treated.

His education was forged in Argentine courts acting in the most outstanding and cemented in their studies in Criminology conducted at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) , in the years 1979 to 1982 and in various specialty courses.

Since its inception in professional management was highlighted in comparative law and, occasionally, has excelled in his performance in the treatment of extraditions, intervening in the most emblematic of this matter in the last thirty years.

His knowledge, experience and prestige was finally consolidated with different presentations from before the High Courts of the Republic Argentina , making it a benchmark extraordinary resource.

Bernardo Luis Calderón

Practice Areas

  • International criminal law
  • Conflict resolution


  • Universidad de Belgrano (Argentina), 1981
  • Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1983


  • English

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Bernardo Luis CALDERON combined with unique balance his public and private life , devoting himself to the practice of criminal law . His main areas of expertise include international criminal law and conflict resolution:

Since its inception professionals were trained in international law , beginning as an intern / aspirant Foreign Service National Multilateral Economic Negotiations , Ministry of Commerce (1978-1980) and later a PhD in Criminology at the University of Buenos Aires (1983)

At the academic level has served as Assistant Professor of the Department of Criminal Law, Special Part of the University of Belgrano ( Argentina Republic) and a Visiting Professor at the Universities of Dominican Republic ( Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña , Faculty of Law and Santo Domingo Policy - Latin American Conference on Air and Space Law) and USA (Naval Justice School Detachment -Executive Seminar in Disciplined Military).

His professional reputation has led him also to represent the Government of Argentina in the activities at the National Defense University Fort Mc . Nair , Washington DC, USA, for the program of the Southern Command Traditional activities and to be appointed guardian of the Ministry of Defense of Argentina , to represent the interests of the National Government.

Your training will have developed a unique capability in planning strategies nationally and internationally and is recognized in the resolution of conflicts where multiple issues confronting jurisdiction affecting states, companies or individuals.

His unique knowledge raises the region, have made ​​him a specialist in conflict prevention that may involve criminal matters and an expert in mediation containing aspects.


We have a stable relationship with premier firms in America and Europe as well as the entire length of Argentina, our country of residence.

This allowed us to develop a network of law firms that are added to ours, to respond to the issues raised within the country and abroad.

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Talcahuano 638 9° F
Buenos Aires
tel: (54-11) 5381-0958